Every year there is something astounding happened with everyone but there are few who face such things often and I am among them.
Normally in placement season we prepare for some very basic questions like- tell me something about yourself, why this company why not that, strengths, weakness etc. But my interview was nothing like that, here I am sharing my interview with INDIAN BEST PRIVATE BANK with you all. May be some of you may find it funny, some of you may find it sarcastic etc. Now my interview begins…
Panel: Vice president (Direct Sales), HR Head and Zonal Sales manager
My entry
HR: welcome Mr. Singh, Today I will help you get through the interview.
Me: My pleasure sir
VP: How are you feeling now?
Me: Excellent
In the mean time, VP sales gone through my resume and prepared some bouncer questions in his mind.
VP: What you did in your SIP (summer Internship program)?
Me: I had started my SIP with 2 month direct selling, then DST (direct sales team) channel gap analysis* and finally new market development at my college for Airtel product.
(*) look at the * carefully because I keep fishing around these words throughout the interview).
VP: What is DST channel gap analysis?
Me: To check out the reasons for low productivity* and attrition for FSEs (on foot sales executives) of DST.
HR: what is productivity?
Me: Productivity means blah blah. The HR said hey I am asking you to define productivity and you beating around the bush, its like I am asking you to pick Bisleri bottle and you are picking up glass.
HR to VP: (in Hindi) yaar yeh paka raha hai isko bahar nikalo isko kuch bhi samajh mein nahi atta hai.
HR: Do you have girl friend?
Me: Yes Sir.
HR: here?
Me: No Sir
HR to VP: (in hindi) tab to yeh sales mein fit hi nahi ho sakta hai, bekaar hai isko nikaalo yaar.
VP: conditional Question- suppose you have target of 100 numbers, so how many people you recruit for this target?
Me: 10-15
VP: 10 or 15? (Harshly)
Me: 10
VP: then 100/10= 10* what this 10 means?
HR: slightly said- Productivity
Me to HR: Sir, I strongly disagree with you, its the individual target and if I would achieve 8 out 10 numbers then 80% will be my productivity.
HR: (in Hindi) bahut jiddi hai yeh kuch manta hi nahi hai
VP: Which one is best package in Airtel ? (Question from my SIP)
Me: plan 699, plan 299 for STD calls, plan 399 for local calls and Plan 999 for incoming only.
VP: what is teledensity and India population now?
Me: teledensity is around 21-24% and India’s population is nearly 100 crores*.
HR: How many zeros are there in 100 crores? (Quickly)
Me: 7 zeros (wrong answer), its 9 zeros
VP: If I call your SIP mentor or Sr Manager Airtel and ask him about your performance, what will be his response?
Me: Possibly, he will give you very good feedback about me.
HR: if you have such a nice relationship with your Sr. Manager, have good knowledge; only 24% percent penetration and huge opportunity in telecom industry better you would join Airtel or telecom industry.
Me: If we are talking about the opportunity, almost same opportunities are there in banking sector according to recent BANCON summit 2007*, retail banking tapped only 24% market and nearly 76% market is untapped, loans are increasing in India esp. for home loans, personal loans, car loans etc. In 2009 Indian banking sector is going to open and international banks will start their operation.
HR and VP: (laughingly) No problem, you come back in 2009 and join banking sector.
HR: I am impressed from you, you did your homework and so can you tell me something about banking?
Me: Sure sir, its most promising sector, according to report Indian banks’ profit growth is similar to international banks and aggression toward market penetration is far ahead of international banks. Indian banks are more technology savvy and update itself with new technologies very often to provide better customer service. According to BASEL NORM-II*, there will be standardization of risk evaluation of customers. (I was not 100% sure)
HR: What is saving account, current account?
Me: some explanation..
HR: (in Hindi) Its astonishing, tu ek kaam kyo nahi karta ki tu apna hi bank open karle. Tune to sare fundamentals hi badal diye (laughingly)
HR: Do you booze?
Me: Yes sir, often, almost every weekend.
VP: how you arrange money for Booze?
Me: SIP and SAP, from both I got nearly Rs.13,500+ Rs. 18,000
VP: Do you have any location preference?
Me: Any where across India except my home town*.
HR: (with interruption) I haven’t seen your resume even though I guess its Bangalore isn’t so?
Me: yes sir because worked there for 1 year.
HR: No, I don’t believe that it’s a reason for Bangalore!
Me: yes sir, all my engineering friends are there.
HR: exactly that’s the true reason (even I thought same), I am very intelligent.
VP: Why you don’t want your home town as location preference, any problem?
Me: Sir, actually from the beginning (nursery) I was in hostel. In class 7th I got an opportunity to leave the hostel but at that point I started loving hostel because of my friends and group dynamics*.
HR: (in hindi) you are bluffing, how could one learn about group dynamics in such a small age?
Me: (in Hindi) Sir, In hostel students gey involved in many good and bad activities and in good activities everybody was ready to participate while in bad activities fewer. In bad activity we required lot of patience, keenness and group bonding?
HR/VP (both): (in Hindi) what type of bad activities you did in schooling?
HR/VP: (in Hindi) speak up; we know that you had not killed someone!
Me: (in Hindi) Yes Sir, actually in our monthly examination we six friends stolen the keys of our geography madam’s Almira where our answer books were kept and wrote the paper and put all answer books back in Almira and ran away.
HR to VP: Sir, throw him out, he will surely spoil the bank and steal something from there too.
HR: how many books you read on sales beyond your syllabus?
Me: Conceptual Selling, Best Salesman traits & Nordstrom way.
HR: What is Nordstrom?
Me: A US retail chain which set the benchmark in customer satisfaction for any business.
Example- In one of Nordstrom’s new showroom a car stopped and asked one of its executives for tyre replacement. Showroom was not dealing in tyres but executive arranged tyre for that individual and then that individual become the loyal customer of company. Its a one there are 1000 of such examples are there.
HR: (in hindi) means when you meet your customers for sales and he/she demanded for hair oil and comb, will you provide him/her?
Me: surely sir, because sales is completely depend upon networking, today might be he will not become my customer but very next day he will give me 4-5 new customers. I am not bluffing this time, it’s my personal experience in SIP.
That was my interview I don’t know it was stress interview or just informal conversation but it went for 50 minutes. It was my lifetime best interview because I got through this interview and first time got an opportunity to express myself without any interview pressure.
In briefing, all selected candidates were gathered in seminar hall.
HR: How was your interview did I screwed you and what you thought after interview that you will be selected?
Me: It was lifetime experience, yes I was screwed up and I never expected that I will be selected.
Me to HR: Sir, can I have your visiting card?
HR: (in hindi) don’t make me fool now, in 50 mins of your interview you gave so many bullets. Don’t give me now.
He quoted an idiom- “If everything in resume is lie then he is real sales guy”
From this interview I believed that you can never expect about your interview.